trAction Painting

trAction Painting as defined by a trAction painting.

Some of the Pittsburg campers, along with Bill and John, and their associates Barbara and Lisa.

Three campers get ready to roll.

Rosemary Hatcher runs the summer camp program in Pittsburg, CA, and here lends a helping hand.

Pouring paint in preparation for a red ride.

Lisa laying down a few lines.

Bike used at summer camp silhouetted against the painting it helped produce.

Early stages of creating a 12 x 20 canvas.

Paint flows onto tire for transfer to canvas.

My largest canvas, completed over a weekend at Art in the Park, San Ramon, CA.

Four canvases painted with toy cars; larger canvas on which we’d palette-pressed three shirts with inline skates.

Shirts, actually, trAction-painted at the Lafayette Art and Wine Fair. (Abrigo: coat.)
